
I’m at a loss, here. I’m trying not to be angry so I don’t push him away. The problem is, he looks at porn every time I’m away. I’m talking when I’m asleep, showering, walking the dog, getting dressed for work, cooking dinner, talking to the neighbor on the porch, running to the bank, at work, etc. He looks at hentai and, although not always, masturbates whenever he gets the chance. He’s done it while I nap on the sofa in the same room. Many times he does this only hours after turning down sex with me. He says he loves me and finds me attractive, but I feel like I must be revolting if he’d rather have his hand. We moved in together about 6 months ago and had sex up to 3 times a day until we got internet. Today is day 5 w/o sex. I came home from work and, even though I could barely keep my eyes open, made several  attempts at intimacy. He shrugged off each try. We went to bed and I tried again. He pretended to be falling asleep, but got up as soon as I fell asleep and spent the next few hours looking at porn and, from the subtle evidence he failed to hide, I know he got off. I feel rejected and unattractive. I’ve tried asking him about fantasies, but how do I role play a gel girl? Help, please.


We’re on a roll here, another porn problem!

Although I think it’s normal for a guy to want to watch porn and get off from time to time I really think this guy has a porn addiction. What he has done is created these awesome fantasies with these porn stars in his head that he now prefers getting off on porn then having the real thing. Unfortunately for you it sounds to me like he has a real problem. I don’t consider this much porn to be normal.

What you should do is try to talk to him and see if he can admit to have a porn addiction.Unless he can admit he has a problem there’s nothing you can do. If he acknowledges the problem then there’s hope. I recommend reading a book for further understanding. I hope this helps.



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